Leaves - Ben&Ben Lyrics with Notes. Music Letters Violin, Lyre, Flute, Piano, Recorder Notes, etc.

Requested by: Fredrich, Mico, Eunaschia, John, Marvy, Jellay and Kenneth

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Leaves *Converted (Easy Version)
For key of C instrument
Verse 1: @0:14
A C2 A / F A C2 A
I can think of all the times
A F F / F A F F
You told me not to touch the light
F AC2 A / F D2 C2 A / F C
I never thought that you would be the one
I couldn't really justify
C2 D2 E2C2 C2 / A G F F
How you even thought it could be right
F A C2 A / F D2 C2 A D
Cause everything we cherished is gone
Pre-chorus 1: @0:39
F A C2 F2 / E2 F2 D2 / G E2
And in the end can you tell me if
D2 E2 C2 / F D2 / D C2 A# A D
It was worth the try, so I can decide
Chorus 1: @0:54
A C2 A G2 F2 E2 F2 E2 D2 D2
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
A D2 E2 F2 C2 A F G
And all will be alright in time
C A C2 A G2 F2 E2 F2 E2 F D2
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
F D2 E2 F2 C2 A F G
And all will be alright in time
C2 A A#A A#A A# C2 A F D
Oh you never really love someone until
D A# A F A
You learn to forgive
Verse 2: @1:40
A C2 A / A C2 A
Try as hard as I might
F A F F.. G A F F
To flee the shadows of the night
F A C2 A / F D2 C2 A D
It haunts me and it makes me feel blue
F A C2 A / A C2 A
But how can I try to hide
F F F2 E2.. C2 D2C2 C2
When every breath and every hour
A C2 A / D D2 C2 A F
I still end up thinking of you
Pre-chorus 2: @2:05
F A C2 F2 / E2 F2D2 / G E2
And in the end everything we have
D2 E2 C2 / F D2
Makes it worth the fight
D C2 A# A D F F A#
So I will hold on for as long
Chorus 2: @2:19
A C2 A G2 F2 E2 F2 E2 D2 D2
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
A D2 E2 F2 C2 A F G
And all will be alright in time
C A C2 A G2 F2 E2 F2 E2 F D2
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
F D2 E2 F2 C2 A F G
And all will be alright in time
C2 A A#A A# A A# C2 A F D
Oh you never really love someone until
D A# A F C2..
You learn to forgive
Bridge: @2:51 (key changes)
A#A#A# D2# F2 D2 C2 A# C2 F
I never thought that I would see the day
A# A# C2G2 F2D2# F2 D2 A# F2....
That I'd decide if I should leave or stay
A# A#C2 D2# F2 D2 C2 A# C2 G
But in the end what makes it worth the fight's
F D# B A# G# D2# B
That no matter what happens
A# C2# F2 F2# F# C2#…..
We try to make it right
Chorus 3: @3:20
A# C2# A# G2# F2# F2 F2#F2 D2#D2#
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
A# D2#F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C# A# C2#A#G2# F2# F2 F2#F2 F# D2#
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
F# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
And all will be alright in time
A# C2# A#G2# F2# F2F2#F2D2# D2#
Wounds of the past will eventually heal
A# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C# A# C2# A# G2# F2# F2 F2# F2 F#D2#
'Cause all of this comes with a love that is real
A# D2# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
I said all will be alright in time
F# F# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
I said all will be alright in time
F# F# D2# F2 F2# G2#F2# A#C2#
I said all will be alright in time
Outro: @4:20
D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
All will be alright in time
C2# A# B A# B A# B C2# A# F#D#
Ohh, you never really love someone until
D# B A# F#A#
You learn to forgive
D# B A# F#C2#~A#
You learn to forgive
B A# A#(low)C#
Learn to forgive

For key of C instrument
Verse 1: @0:14
A# C2# A# / F# A# C2# A#
I can think of all the times
A# F# F# / F# A# F# F#
You told me not to touch the light
F# A#C2# A# / F# D2# C2# A# / F# C#
I never thought that you would be the one
F# A#C2# A#/F# A#C2#A#
I couldn't really justify
C2# D2# F2C2# C2# / A# G# F# F#
How you even thought it could be right
F# A#C2#A# / F# D2#C2# A# D#
Cause everything we cherished is gone
Pre-chorus 1: @0:39
F# A#C2#F2# / F2 F2#D2# / G#F2
And in the end can you tell me if
D2# F2 C2# / F#D2# / D# C2# B A#D#
It was worth the try, so I can decide
Chorus 1: @0:54
A# C2# A# G2# F2# F2 F2# F2 D2# D2#
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
A# D2# F2 F2#C2#A#F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C# A# C2#A#G2# F2# F2 F2#F2 F#D2#
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
F# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C2#A# B A# B A# B C2#A# F#D#
Oh you never really love someone until
D# B A# F#A#
You learn to forgive
Verse 2: @1:40
A# C2# A# / A# C2# A#
Try as hard as I might
F# A# F# F#.. G# A# F# F#
To flee the shadows of the night
F# A# C2# A# / F#D2# C2# A# D#
It haunts me and it makes me feel blue
F# A# C2# A# / A# C2# A#
But how can I try to hide
F# F#F2# F2.. C2# D2#C2# C2#
When every breath and every hour
A#C2# A# / D# D2#C2# A#F#
I still end up thinking of you
Pre-chorus 2: @2:05
F# A#C2#F2# / F2 F2#D2# / G# F2
And in the end everything we have
D2# F2 C2# / F# D2#
Makes it worth the fight
D# C2# B A# D#F F# B
So I will hold on for as long
Chorus 2: @2:19
A# C2# A# G2# F2# F2 F2# F2 D2# D2#
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
A# D2# F2 F2#C2#A#F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C# A# C2#A#G2# F2# F2 F2#F2 F#D2#
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
F# D2# F2 F2# C2#A# F# G#
And all will be alright in time
C2#A# B A# B A# B C2#A# F#D#
Oh you never really love someone until
D# B A# F#C2#..
You learn to forgive
Bridge: @2:51 (key changes)
B B B E2 F2# D2# C2# B C2# F#
I never thought that I would see the day
B B C2#G2# F2#E2 F2# D2# B F2#....
That I'd decide if I should leave or stay
B B C2#E2 F2# D2# C2# B C2# G#
But in the end what makes it worth the fight's
F# E C2 B A E2 C2
That no matter what happens
B D2 F2# G2 G D2…..
We try to make it right
Chorus 3: @3:20
B D2 B A2 G2 F2# G2 F2# E2 E2
Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees
B E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
And all will be alright in time
D B D2B A2 G2 F2# G2F2# G E2
From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas
G E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
And all will be alright in time
B D2 B A2 G2 F2#G2F2#E2 E2
Wounds of the past will eventually heal
B E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
And all will be alright in time
D B D2 B A2 G2F2#G2 F2# G E2
'Cause all of this comes with a love that is real
B E2 E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
I said all will be alright in time
G G E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
I said all will be alright in time
G G E2 F2# G2 A2 G2 B D2
I said all will be alright in time
Outro: @4:20
E2 F2# G2 D2 B G A
All will be alright in time
D2 B C2B C2 B C2 D2 B G E
Ohh, you never really love someone until
E C2 B G B
You learn to forgive
E C2 B G D2~B
You learn to forgive
C2 B B(low)D
Learn to forgive