I Will Be Here Lyrics Music Sheet with Notes. Music Letters Sheet PDF Violin, Lyre, Flute, Piano, Recorder Chords, etc.

"I Will Be Here", is a song recorded by a Filipino musician Gary Valenciano for the album, Revive.
The album was released by Universal Records on 2002.

♫ I Will Be Here - Gary Valenciano ♫
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![]() Open Image In New Tab To Enlarge I Will Be Here Gary Valenciano For key of C instrument www.FluteNotes.ph Verse 1: @0:37 A# A# A# G# G G# A# G Tomorrow morning if you wake up G F D# G F D#D# And the sun does not appear D# F G G# F F D# D D# Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here A#A#A# A# G# G G# A# G If in the dark we lose sight of love G F D# A#(low) F G D# Hold my hand and have no fear A#(low) D# F G G# F F D# D ~FD#~ 'Cause ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here Chorus 1: @1:18 GC2 D2 D2# I will be here C2 D2 D2#D2# F2C2 C2D2 When you feel like being quiet A# C2 D2 D2 D2# D2 C2 When you need to speak your mind A#C2 ~A#G#~ /~A#G#~ I will lis~~~~~ten G G C2 D2 D2# And I will be here C2 D2 D2#D2# F2 C2 C2D2 When the laughter turns to crying A# C2 D2D2 D2 D2#D2 A# A#C2 Through the winning and losing and trying A# G# G G G# We'll be together A#(low) G# G F D# 'Cause I will be here Verse 2: @2:06 A# A# A# G# G G# A# G Tomorrow morning if you wake up G F D#G F G D# And the future is unclear D# F G G# F ~GA#~ F D# Ah ha-a-ah I, I'll be here G G# A# A# A# G# G G# A# G Just as sure as seasons are made for change A#(low) D# F G ~G#A#~ ~C2A#~ D# Our lifetimes are made for years D# F G A# G# G F Ah ha-a-ah ah ah I G#G F D# I will be here Chorus 2: @2:48 GC2 D2 D2# I will be here C2 D2D2#D2# F2 C2C2D2 You can cry on my shoulder A# C2 D2D2 D2# D2 A# A#C2 When the mirror tells us we're older A#C2 G# G# I will hold you G C2 D2 ~F2D2#~ And I will be here D2# F2 F2 ~G2F2~ F2 F2~(D2C2D2C2A#) To watch you grow in beauty~~~~ A# C2D2 F2 D2# D2 A#C2 C2 And tell you all the things you are to me A#G#G G# I will be here Bridge: @3:24 C2D2 D2#C2 I will be true D2 D2#D2#D2C2 ~A#D#~ ~C2A#~ To the promise I have made D#C2 A# A# / G# G# To you and to the one G# A# G# G F Who gave… you to me C D D# DCA#(low) Ooh ooh ooh ohhh~ ♫ Instrumental Playing @4:01 D# F G G# F G#G F D# Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here Coda: @4:11 D2#C2A# A# A#G# G G# C2 A#A#G And just as sure as seasons are made for change G F2D2# D2 D2# F2 G2……F2D2# Our lifetimes are made for years….. C G#..........G…….FD#F 'Coz ahh~~~~ ha~~-a-ah I C2D2D2#F2 I will be here F2D2# / D2D2D2#A# GGG#F Will be together, forever A#(low) G# G F D# 'Cause I will be here C2A#G# A# I will be here |
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I Will Be Here
Gary Valenciano For key of Bb instrument www.FluteNotes.ph Verse 1: @0:37 C2 C2 C2 A# A A# C2 A Tomorrow morning if you wake up A G F A G F F And the sun does not appear F G A A#G G F E F Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here C2C2 C2 C2 A# A A# C2 A If in the dark we lose sight of love A G F C G A F Hold my hand and have no fear C F G A A# G G F E ~GF~ 'Cause ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here Chorus 1: @1:18 A D2 E2 F2 I will be here D2 E2 F2 F2 G2D2 D2E2 When you feel like being quiet C2 D2 E2 E2 F2 E2 D2 When you need to speak your mind C2D2 ~C2A#~ /~C2A#~ I will lis~~~~~ten A A D2 E2 F2 And I will be here D2 E2 F2 F2 G2 D2 D2E2 When the laughter turns to crying C2 D2 E2 E2 E2 F2E2 C2 C2D2 Through the winning and losing and trying C2 A# A AA# We'll be together C A# A G F 'Cause I will be here Verse 2: @2:06 C2 C2 C2 A# A A# C2 A Tomorrow morning if you wake up A G F A G A F And the future is unclear F G AA# G ~AC2~ G F Ah ha-a-ah I, I'll be here A A# C2 C2 C2 A# A A# C2 A Just as sure as seasons are made for change C F G A ~A#C2~ ~D2C2~ F Our lifetimes are made for years F G A C2 A# A G Ah ha-a-ah ah ah I A#A G F I will be here Chorus 2: @2:48 AD2 E2 F2 I will be here D2 E2 F2 G2 D2 D2 E2 You can cry on my shoulder C2 D2 E2E2 F2 E2 C2 C2D2 When the mirror tells us we're older C2D2 A# A# I will hold you A D2 E2 ~G2F2~ And I will be here F2 G2 G2 ~A2G2~ G2 G2~(E2D2E2D2C2) To watch you grow in beauty~~~~ C2 D2 E2 G2 F2 E2 C2 D2D2 And tell you all the things you are to me C2A# A A# I will be here Bridge: @3:24 D2E2 F2 D2 I will be true E2 F2 F2 E2 D2 ~C2F~ ~D2C2~ To the promise I have made F D2 C2 C2 / A# A# To you and to the one A# C2 A# A G Who gave… you to me D E F EDC Ooh ooh ooh ohhh~ ♫ Instrumental Playing @4:01 F G A A# G A#A G F Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here Coda: @4:11 F2 D2 C2 C2 C2 A# A A# D2 C2C2A And just as sure as seasons are made for change A G2 F2 E2 F2 G2 A2…….G2F2 Our lifetimes are made for years….. D A#..........A…….G F G 'Coz ahh~~~~ ha~~-a-ah I D2E2F2 G2 I will be here G2 F2 / E2E2F2C2 AAA#G Will be together, forever C A# A G F 'Cause I will be here D2C2A# C2 I will be here |