"Let Her Go", a song written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Passenger. It was recorded at Sydney's Linear Recording and co-produced by Mike Rosenberg and Chris Vallejo. The recording features Australian musicians Stu Larsen, Georgia Mooney, Stu Hunter, Cameron Undy and Glenn Wilson. "Let Her Go" was released in July 2012 as the second single from Passenger's third album, All the Little Lights.

"Let Her Go", a song written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Passenger. It was recorded at Sydney's Linear Recording and co-produced by Mike Rosenberg and Chris Vallejo. The recording features Australian musicians Stu Larsen, Georgia Mooney, Stu Hunter, Cameron Undy and Glenn Wilson. "Let Her Go" was released in July 2012 as the second single from Passenger's third album, All the Little Lights. Source: Wikipedia
Song requested by: Rosario and Jian

Song requested by: Rosario and Jian

![]() Let Her Go Passenger Key of Bb www.FluteNotes.ph Intro/Chorus: @0:26 C2# C2#BC2# B A A A F# A F# A Well you only need the light when it’s burning low B C2# B A B B A C2# B B A Only miss the sun when it starts to snow B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go C2#C2# C2# B A A A F# A F# A Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low BC2# B A B B B C2#B B A Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go B A C2# B B A And you let her go Verse 1: @1:05 C2#C2#C2#C2# C2# B B A A Staring at the bottom of your glass D2 C2# C2# B B B A G# G# Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last F# C2# B A F# F#C2#B F# But dreams come slow and they go so fast F# C2#C2#C2# C2# B A A You see her when you close your eyes D2 C2# C2# B B B A G# G# Maybe one day you’ll understand why C2#C2#C2#C2# C2# G#G#BA Everything you touch surely dies Chorus: @1:30 C2# C2#BC2# B A A A F# A F# A But you only need the light when it’s burning low B C2# B A B B A C2# B B A Only miss the sun when it starts to snow B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go C2#C2# C2# B A A A F# A F# A Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low BC2# B A B B B C2# B B A Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go Verse 2: @1:56 C2#C2#C2#C2# C2# B B A A Staring at the ceiling in the dark D2 C2# C2#B B A G# G# G# Same old empty feeling in your heart F# C2# B A F# F# C2# B F# ‘Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast C2# E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 C2#D2 Well you see her when you fall asleep F# E2E2 E2 E2 B B A A C2# But never to touch and never to keep C2# C2# C2# C2#C2#C2# ‘Cause you loved her too much F# F# C2# B F# And you dived too deep Chorus: @2:21 C2# C2#BC2# B A A A F# A F# A Well you only need the light when it’s burning low B C2# B A B B A C2# B B A Only miss the sun when it starts to snow B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go E2E2 E2 D2 C2# D2 D2 D2 D2D2 E2C2# Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low E2E2 E2 E2 E2 C2# C2# D2C2# D2C2# Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E C2#BA Only know you love her when you let her go E E C2# B C2#C2# BC2#D2C2#G# And you let her go oh (oh, ooh, oh no) E E C2# B C2#C2# BC2#D2C2#G#F#E And you let her go oh (oh, ooh, oh no) E2E2E2C2#F2#E2C2# Will you let her go? Chorus: HIGH @3:12 E2 E2 E2D2 D2 C2# D2 D2 C2# D2 C2#E2 ‘Cause you only need the light when it’s burning low E2E2 E2 E2 E2 B B D2 C2#D2C2# Only miss the sun when it starts to snow E2E2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2# D2C2#E2C2# Only know you love her when you let her go E2E2 E2 E2 E2 F2# E2 E2 E2 A C2# Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low E2E2 E2 E2 E2 B B D2C2#D2C2# Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home E2E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2# D2 C2#E2C2# Only know you love her when you let her go Chorus: @3:38 C2# C2#BC2# B A A A F# A F# A Cause you only need the light when it’s burning low B C2# B A B B A C2# B B A Only miss the sun when it starts to snow B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go C2#C2# C2# B A A A F# A F# A Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low BC2# B A B B B C2#B B A Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home B C2# B A B A F# F# F# E A Only know you love her when you let her go E E C2# B BAF# And you let her go |
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Let Her Go
Passenger Key of C www.FluteNotes.ph Intro/Chorus: @0:26 B B A B A G G G E G E G Well you only need the light when it’s burning low A B A G A A G B A A G Only miss the sun when it starts to snow A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go B B B A G G G E G E G Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low A B A G A A A B A A G Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go A G B A AG And you let her go Verse 1: @1:05 B B B B B A A G G Staring at the bottom of your glass C2 B B A A A G F# F# Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last E B A G E E B A E But dreams come slow and they go so fast E B B B B A G G You see her when you close your eyes C2 B B A A A G F# F# Maybe one day you’ll understand why B B B B B F#F# AG Everything you touch surely dies Chorus: @1:30 B B A B A G G G E G E G But you only need the light when it’s burning low A B A G A A G B A A G Only miss the sun when it starts to snow A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go B B B A G G G E G E G Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low A B A G A A A B A A G Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go Verse 2: @1:56 B B B B B A A G G Staring at the ceiling in the dark C2 B B A A G F# F# F# Same old empty feeling in your heart E B A G E E B A E ‘Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast B D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 B C2 Well you see her when you fall asleep E D2D2 D2 D2 A A G G B But never to touch and never to keep B B B B B B ‘Cause you loved her too much E E B A E And you dived too deep Chorus: @2:21 B B A B A G G G E G E G Well you only need the light when it’s burning low A B A G A A G B A A G Only miss the sun when it starts to snow A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go D2D2 D2 C2 B C2 C2 C2 C2C2 D2B Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low D2D2 D2 D2 D2 B B C2 B C2B Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home A B A G A G E E E D BAG Only know you love her when you let her go F# F# B A B B ABC2 B F# And you let her go oh (oh, ooh, oh no) F# F# B A B B ABC2 BF#ED And you let her go oh (oh, ooh, oh no) D2 D2 D2 B E2D2B Will you let her go? Chorus: HIGH @3:12 D2 D2 D2C2 C2 B C2 C2 B C2 B D2 ‘Cause you only need the light when it’s burning low D2D2 D2 D2 D2 A A C2 B C2B Only miss the sun when it starts to snow D2D2 D2 D2 D2 C2 C2 B C2 B D2B Only know you love her when you let her go D2D2 D2 D2 D2 E2 D2 D2 D2 G B Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low D2D2 D2 D2 D2 A A C2 B C2B Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home D2D2 D2 D2 C2 C2 B C2 B D2 B Only know you love her when you let her go Chorus: @3:38 B B A B A G G G E G E G Cause you only need the light when it’s burning low A B A G A A G B A A G Only miss the sun when it starts to snow A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go B B B A G G G E G E G Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low A B A G A A A B A A G Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home A B A G A G E E E D G Only know you love her when you let her go D D B A AGE And you let her go |