Everytime, a song from the album "Here We Come" sung by an English-Norwegian pop group that formed in 1998. Here We Come is the debut studio album by British-Norwegian boy band A1. It was released on 2 December 1999. The album was certified as Gold in the UK, selling nearly 100,000 copies.

Everytime, a song from the album "Here We Come" sung by an English-Norwegian pop group that formed in 1998. Here We Come is the debut studio album by British-Norwegian boy band A1. It was released on 2 December 1999. The album was certified as Gold in the UK, selling nearly 100,000 copies. More info at Wikipedia

![]() Everytime A1 Key of Bb www.FluteNotes.ph Verse 1: @0:23 GC2C2 C2 D2 C2 C2 B A G Lately I'm not who I used to be B B C2 B A G F Someone's come and taken me E F E D C D Where I don't wanna go GGC2C2 GC2C2 D2 C2 B A G If I knew exactly what I have to do G B B C2B A G F In order to be there for you E F E F G A..G When you were feeling low Pre-Chorus: @0:51 D D F F A AC2 C2 D2 And all the things we ever wanted B A A G G A Were once yours and mine C2 D2 E2 D2 C2 AC2 D2 Now, I know we can revive it C2 D2 E2 D2 D2 All the love we left Chorus: @1:05 G2G2G2 G2G2C2C2 D2 E2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips C2 G2G2G2G2G2 B B C2 D2 And everytime I cry I see your smile C2 G2E2G2 E2 A2 G2 C2 C2E2D2D2C2 And everytime I close my eyes I realize C2 G2G2G2 G2G2 C2 C2 D2 E2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine C2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 B BC2 D2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find C2 G2 E2 G2E2 A2 G2 C2 And I have never felt this way E2 D2 C2 C2 C2 B A B C2 Since the day I gave your love away Verse 2: @1:41 GC2C2 G C2C2 D2 C2 BGAG Save me, I've fallen from my destiny B B C2 B A G F You and I were meant to be E F E D C D I've thrown it all away G C2 C2 Now you're gone G D2 C2 C2 C2 B A G It's time for me to carry on G B B C2B A G F But baby I just can't go on E F E F G G Without you by my side (Repeat Pre-Chorus) @2:10 (Repeat Chorus) @2:24 Bridge: @2:53 C2 C2 C2 D2E2 We can survive it C2 D2 E2 F2 E2 G A All the pain we feel inside A B C2 C2 C2 C2 B A A G A You relied on me and now I've let you down C2 D2 G2G2 C2 C2C2D2E2 Now, I promise you forever C2D2E2 F2 E2 G A I will be the best I can A B C2 C2C2C2D2E2 Now, I know we can revive it C2 D2 E2 D2 D2 All the love we left Chorus: @3:21 G2G2G2 G2G2C2C2 D2 E2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips C2 G2G2G2G2G2 B B C2 D2 And everytime I cry I see your smile C2 G2E2G2 E2 A2 G2 C2 C2E2D2D2C2 And everytime I close my eyes I realize C2 G2G2G2 G2G2 C2 C2 D2 E2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine C2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 B BC2 D2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find C2 G2 E2 G2E2 A2 G2 C2 And I have never felt this way E2 D2 C2 D2 E2 Since I gave your love D2G2…..E2 A2..G2 (away~~~~~~~~~) Chorus: @3:50 G2G2G2 G2G2C2C2 D2 E2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips C2 G2G2G2G2G2 B B C2 D2 And everytime I cry I see your smile C2 G2E2G2 E2 A2 G2 C2 C2E2D2D2C2 And everytime I close my eyes I realize C2 G2G2G2 G2G2 C2 C2 D2 E2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine C2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 B BC2 D2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find C2 G2 E2 G2E2 A2 G2 C2 And I have never felt this way E2 D2 C2 C2 C2 B A B D2..E2D2C2 Since the day I gave your love away | ![]()
A1 Key of C www.FluteNotes.ph Verse 1: @0:23 FA#A# A# C2 A# A# A G F Lately I'm not who I used to be A A A# A G F D# Someone's come and taken me D D# D C A#(low) C Where I don't wanna go FF A#A# FA#A# C2 A# A G F If I knew exactly what I have to do F A A A#A G F D# In order to be there for you D D# D D# F G..F When you were feeling low Pre-Chorus: @0:51 C C D# D# G GA# A# C2 And all the things we ever wanted A G G F F G Were once yours and mine A# C2 D2 C2 A# G A#C2 Now, I know we can revive it A# C2 D2 C2 C2 All the love we left Chorus: @1:05 F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A#A# C2 D2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips A# F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A A A# C2 And everytime I cry I see your smile A# F2D2F2 D2 G2 F2 A# A#D2C2C2A# And everytime I close my eyes I realize A# F2F2F2 F2 F2 A# A# C2 D2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine A# F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 A AA# C2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find A# F2 D2 F2D2 G2 F2 A# And I have never felt this way D2 C2 A# A# A# A G A A# Since the day I gave your love away Verse 2: @1:41 F A#A# F A#A# C2 A# AFGF Save me, I've fallen from my destiny A A A# A G F D# You and I were meant to be D D# D C A#(low) C I've thrown it all away F A# A# Now you're gone F C2 A# A# A# A G F It's time for me to carry on F A A A#A G F D# But baby I just can't go on D D# D D# F F Without you by my side (Repeat Pre-Chorus) @2:10 (Repeat Chorus) @2:24 Bridge: @2:53 A# A# A# C2D2 We can survive it A# C2 D2 D2# D2 F G All the pain we feel inside G A A# A# A#A# A G G F G You relied on me and now I've let you down A# C2 F2F2 A# A#A#C2D2 Now, I promise you forever A#C2D2 D2# D2 F G I will be the best I can G A A# A#A#A#C2D2 Now, I know we can revive it A# C2 D2 C2 C2 All the love we left Chorus: @3:21 F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A#A# C2 D2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips A# F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A A A# C2 And everytime I cry I see your smile A# F2D2F2 D2 G2 F2 A# A#D2C2C2A# And everytime I close my eyes I realize A# F2F2F2 F2 F2 A# A# C2 D2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine A# F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 A AA# C2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find A# F2 D2 F2D2 G2 F2 A# And I have never felt this way D2 C2 A# C2 D2 Since I gave your love C2F2…..D2 G2..F2 (away~~~~~~~~~) Chorus: @3:50 F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A#A# C2 D2 Everytime I kiss I feel your lips A# F2 F2 F2 F2F2 A A A# C2 And everytime I cry I see your smile A# F2D2F2 D2 G2 F2 A# A#D2C2C2A# And everytime I close my eyes I realize A# F2F2F2 F2 F2 A# A# C2 D2 That everytime I hold your hand in mine A# F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 A AA# C2 The sweetest thing my heart could ever find A# F2 D2 F2D2 G2 F2 A# And I have never felt this way D2 C2 A# A# A# A G A C2..D2C2A# Since the day I gave your love away |
Pwede po ba Breath by SNSD Kim Taeyeon duet with SHINee Jonghyun?? Please :3